Leadership Blog

You Should Be Doing Less As a Business Owner, Not More

How to Structure Your Company So YOU Can Do LESS

August 06, 20242 min read

Most companies hire people as the need arises. They cobble together a team with little thought of a business structure or plan. Because of this, their hiring practices often struggle and fail. Want to avoid those painful mistakes? Read below to discover some secrets to structuring a company that demands less of you.

Decorative LineSecret #1 – Structure your team based on the long-term big picture.

Build your company with the end in mind. Picture what you want your company to be once you fully develop it. Build out things in your mind first. 

Get a clear picture of what you want your company to look like, who are the key people needed, and what your role as an owner will be both short and long term. 

It’s hard to build a business without a blueprint. Think of building a house. You need a blueprint so that you know what materials you need, what skills workers must have, etc. 

The same is true with a business. If you build your team based on a long-term big picture, you will be much happier with the result. You will prevent waste and increase the speed of your success.

Secret #2 – Understand what produces profit and build accordingly.

Although profit is not everything, it is an important thing! You are working to produce a profit so that you can pay your people, improve your life, and build a company that has an impact. 

Many business owners attempt to do too many things. They create too many products or services. This dilutes their ability to do things well and often diminishes their profits. 

Doing less better usually produces higher profit and reduces the work required to do so. Make sure you know your financial metrics. If you’re not making money in your business, you will quickly go out of business.

Secret #3 – Make sure you have people on the right bus and in the right seat.

It’s super important to hire the right people and give them the right job. No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something. 

Hire quality people who have competent skills to do their jobs. Work hard to develop those people so that they can help grow your company.

One of the most valuable commodities you have is your people. When they do well, your company does well.

Secret #4 – Don’t build the company on you.

So many business owners build their company on themselves. Their companies cannot succeed without them. 

While this may help you feel needed or important, it is a short term approach that will eventually wear you out and limit your growth. 

You have a role to play in your company, but you don’t want the company to be dependent on you. That is a poor long term strategy that doesn’t work. Instead, develop a competent team that carries most of the weight of your growing, profitable company.

If you build things properly, you will find yourself doing less but accomplishing more. Your company will thrive, and you will have freedom and time to enjoy the fruit of your labor.

If you want to gain greater insights into how to grow your business without it demanding more from you, schedule a call with me at https://penncoaching.com/meetwithdave.

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