Leadership Blog

Do You Think Founders Should Manage Their Own Company?

True or False: Founders Should Manage Their Company

September 30, 20243 min read

When you start a business, you assume that you will always be responsible to manage that business. If you are good at managing, that is true. But not everyone is good at managing. 

Most leaders are good at one or two areas. They are not good at everything and should not try to do everything. A wise leader recognizes his limitations and directs his energy accordingly.

Below are a few areas to assess to determine if you’re the best person to manage your company.

Decorative LineAssessment #1 – Discover your giftedness.

Every person has innate abilities. Those abilities come naturally to you. You don’t have to work hard to develop them. Sadly, people don’t always value their innate abilities. 

Because their natural abilities come so easily, leaders often undervalue them. They think, “Anybody can do that.” Yet that’s not true. The reason you can do those things so easily is because that’s how you're wired.  

Don’t undervalue your giftedness. Think of it as your “zone of genius.” It creates an opportunity to gain tremendous results, without having to work so hard.

Assessment #2 – Position yourself in your strengths.

Once you discover your giftedness (or natural strengths), position yourself in roles that utilize those strengths. 

Sadly, I see many leaders remove themselves from what they do well and position themselves in roles that they struggle to do well. They work hard at learning things that they are not really good at doing and don’t even like. 

They think, “Someone needs to do these things. I can learn to do them, so I guess I should just do them.” Don’t be offended, but that’s just poor thinking. 

Why in the world would you want to work hard to learn something you’re not good at doing and don’t even like. There are people who are naturally gifted in those areas and really enjoy them. 

You want to focus on your strengths. Doing so will move your company ahead.

Assessment #3 – Use your strengths to provide the highest ROI.

When you gain clarity about your strengths, place yourself in roles that take advantage of them. What are you good at doing and enjoy doing that brings the highest ROI (return on investment) to your company?

If you are good at sales, don’t pull yourself out of sales. I’ve known owners who are great at sales and weak in operations who pull themselves out of sales and move themselves into operations. They’re not good at operations. They struggle to provide the leadership needed in that area, and their company’s sales tank.

If you are not good at operations, hire someone who is. Stay in your “zone of genius” and bring the highest ROI to your company.

Assessment #4 – Evaluate who else you need on your team.

Once you recognize what you’re good at doing and what you’re not good at doing, look for people who have strengths in your areas of weakness. 

I often say to leaders, “Believe it or not, there are people who love doing what you hate doing, and they’re really good at those things. You need to find those people and bring them on your team.” 

Those complementary team members may already be in your company. You just need to allocate them to a different role. If not, find them. They are out there. They are looking for the very role you need them to fulfill. 

Don’t just keep doing stuff you are not good at doing and don’t really like doing. That’s not a good use of your time and energy. Instead, find people who naturally do those roles well. Then, allocate your time and energy to doing what you do exceptionally well. 

Finding the right people will enable your company to grow and become much more profitable. It will also remove a great deal of stress from your life. You will enjoy work more and have time to enjoy the benefits of your labor.

If you find yourself doing things you don’t really enjoy doing and do not do well and need some help moving forward, schedule a short call with me. You can do so at https://penncoaching.com/meetwithdave.

 It’s a no-obligation call to provide some strategy in your leadership journey. If you have a need and desire to discuss working together, we can. Otherwise, you will gain insight and encouragement in leading your company more effectively.

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