Leadership Blog

Is it Time to Restructure Your Role as a Manager?

Why It Might Be Time to Redefine Your Role as a Manager

August 26, 20243 min read

If you wrote out your current job description based on your normal, daily activities, does it sound like the role of a successful business owner? If not, maybe it’s time to redefine your role. Here’s a few tips on how to do it.

Decorative LineTip #1 – Start with discovering what you do best.

Successful business owners don’t do just anything. They do what they do best. Sadly, many leaders add task after task to their daily responsibilities. Before long, they find themselves doing things they don’t enjoy doing and don’t do very well. 

As a leader, you want to allocate your time and effort to your zone of genius. Sometimes people do not value their strengths, because their strengths come so naturally to them. They feel like anyone could do those tasks. That’s not true. The reason they are easy to you is because they naturally align with you. Don’t underestimate their value. 

When you do what you do best, you will be more productive, less stressed, and provide a higher ROI (return on investment) to your company.

Tip #2 – Position yourself 80% of the time in your strengths.

Once you discover what you do best, limit yourself primarily to doing those tasks. Aim to work 80% in your strengths. Limit everything else you do to 20% of your time. 

If things don’t fit within your strengths, give them to someone else on your team. Can you do those things? Sure, but it’s not the best use of your time or skills.

If you work primarily in your strengths, you will find yourself energized and productive. If you work primarily in your weaknesses, you will find yourself exhausted and unproductive. 

Working in your strengths will feel easy to you. That’s because they align with who you are. Don’t begrudge or undervalue doing those things. They are where you will find great success and productivity. They will allow you to provide great value to the company.

Tip #3 – Figure out who else you need on your team.

Once you position yourself properly within your company, give deep thought to those you need on your team. You want to hire people who have strengths in your areas of weakness. 

If you’re good at sales, you likely need an operational person. If you’re good at operations, you may need a sales person. Base your hires on what’s needed in the company.

Believe it or not there are people who love doing what you hate doing, and they do it exceptionally well. You want to find and hire those people. Doing so will provide a well-balanced team with tremendous potential to succeed and become financially profitable.

Tip #4 – Build a dream team that exponentially grows your company.

Assembling a well-balanced dream team is challenging but so beneficial. When you get the right people on the bus and in the right seats, things will take off. 

So many leaders attempt to do too much themselves. Doing so will wear you out and limit your growth. If you want to scale and grow your company, you need to position yourself in the right role and hire those who complement your abilities. Assembling such a team will empower you to reach your desired goals.

Want some help defining YOUR role and structuring your company to scale? Schedule a call with me at https://penncoaching.com/meetwithdave

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